Fahrenheit Press

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Feb 022016

Are now publishing The Murder Quadrille, but in a few weeks will have another exciting bit of news. Look at the other books so far… Crime Fiction Publishers

The Murder Quadrille

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Jan 282016

I am thrilled to announce that The Murder Quadrille has found its perfect match in the outrageous groovy punk publisher Fahrenheit Press

Centuries and Sleuths – Chicago

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Dec 012014

Fidelis will be appearing at Centuries & Sleuths, 7419 Madison St, Forest Park, IL 60130 on the evening of 19th December at 7.00 pm.  Do come along for some Christmas cheer and a few laughs.  

St James Theatre

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Jun 242014

Delighted to be directing Celia Imrie and her two hunks in Laughing Matters once more, this time at the wonderful St James Studio.  Tickets are selling fast and the venue is small, so if you don’t want to miss it, you’ll find more details here:  St James Studio

Crazy Coqs

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Aug 072013

Fidelis is directing Celia Imrie’s new Cabaret – ‘Laughing Matters’ this September.

The show will run at the Crazy Coqs at the Brasserie Zedel in Piccadilly London from 17th-21st September.

Tickets are selling fast:

Laughing Matters Box Office


University of California

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Aug 072013

Fidelis is thrilled that she is following in the footsteps of  William Gaskill, Mark Ravenhill and so many other artists she admires, and heading for Davis, CA, next year to be the Granada-Artist-In-Residence for Fall 2014.

A Little Chaos

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May 242013

Fidelis has just finished filming her role in Alan Rickman’s new film A Little Chaos.  Fidelis’s scene was with Kate Winslet, Jennifer Ehle and Paula Paul, as well as Phillida Law, Kirsty Oswald and old pal, Pauline Moran.  Alan is also playing King Louis XIV in the film, which is set at Versailles in 1685, Fidelis’s favourite period in history.